Monday, December 31, 2007


films i loved and it's too bad if you didn't:

1. Into The Wild
2. The Host
3. No Country For Old Men
4. Eastern Promises
5. Broken English
6. The Darjeeling Limited
7. Superbad
8. The Lives of Others
9. The Diving Bell & The Butterfly
10. Sicko

film you must see at any cost:

1. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (this is the first time in my life that i actually needed...NEEDED a drink when the film was over. i have never felt so afeared in a theatre.)

movies that i really liked despite being flawed or whatever:

1. 2 Days in Paris
2. Knocked Up
3. The Savages
4. Lars and the Real Girl
5. Talk to Me
6. After The Wedding

good god great performances:

1. Julie Christie & Gordon Pinsent - Away From Her
2. Emile Hirsch - Into The Wild
3. Molly Shannon - Year of The Dog
4. Parker Posey - Broken English
5. Craig Robinson was brilliant as the bouncer who doesn't let the girls in the club...this was (with the Las Vegas hotel room scene running a close second) the best scene in Knocked Up.

6. Margo Martindale - Paris, Je T'aime
7. Ryan Gosling - Lars & The Real Girl
8. Don Cheadle - Talk to Me
9. Thomas Turgoose - This Is England
10. Hal Holbrook in Into The Wild

11. Keri Russell in Waitress
12. Jennifer Garner was wonderful in the over-hyped and trying-way-too-hard Juno
13. Timothy Spall in the grossly over-praised mistake that is Sweeney Todd.
14. Nicole Kidman's forehead in Margot at The Wedding...for never confessing a single emotion that may or may not have been rippling through the actress. methinks the actress is the dramatic equivalent of george thorogood's band, the luckiest bar band in history.

movies i am truly upset for having sat thru:

1. The Bourne Ultimatum (having never seen any of the previous Bourne offerings & not caring to, this was a stupid mistake and one i take almost full responsibility for. the remaining responsibility lies with my friend lou who really should have known better)
2. Sweeney Todd (I know this piece of operetta-musical genius inside & out and therefore should have known better than to go and witness an aging Edward Scissorhands eviscerate one of the greatest musicals of all time. but nothing could have prepared me for tim burton's offensive omission of the greek-chorus-like presence and harmonizations that the townsfolk of london are supposed to supply. you sir, are a dick.)
3. Charlie Wilson's War (ya ya ya ya we get it. Horrible)

trailers i wish i could've missed:

1. Across The Universe
2. The Heartbreak Kid
3. The Number 23

movies i haven't seen yet and therefore am sad:

1. There Will Be Blood
2. I'm Not There
3. Michael Clayton
4. No End In Sight
5. Grindhouse
6. 28 Weeks Later
7. I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With
8. Ratatouille
9. My Kid Could Paint That
10. Persepolis
11. Rescue Dawn
12. The Band's Visit