Thursday, May 08, 2008

Road Trip America! Day 2 - Sedona & Holbrook, AZ

It’s about 5 am of Day 3. I’m sitting in my western-themed bed in my tee pee on old Route 66 in Holbrook, Arizona as I type this. They don’t have wireless internet here at the Wigwam Motel so I’m typing it and will insert it into my blog later once I get to Santa Fe. Wait a second. Did she say ‘tee pee’? Yes, dear readers, I did say tee pee. I am staying at the landmark Wigwam Motel in Holbrook…and it’s AWESOME. How have they managed to keep this place going and not let it turn into something overly cute, or overly kitchsy and horrific? I’d say it has everything to do with the fact that the Motel is run by the odd eccentric son of the man who built this place in the 50s. I was standing in the old wood registration area waiting to check in...and there was just me and the other guy checking in. It was quite obvious that I was there. And John (aforementioned eccentric 50ish year old son of Wig Wam originator) was giving the run down to the guy checking in...I heard every word. And when i checked in seconds later he gave me the exact same speech (the one I'd already heard) word for word, same inflections, same puns and same fake chuckles that followed. He had this look in his eye like he could snap at any minute. But was also the nicest man you'll ever meet. Creepy but lovely: my favourite combination! The “wig wams” are all original…though some need a new paint job, like mine, #14. The furniture inside (save the new FABULOUSLY comfortable beds and the new TVs) is ALL the original furniture from the 50s. There are cars from the 50s parked outside every wig wam and the main office where you check in is filled with items from John’s Dad’s collection from the 50s…lots of petrified wood (the Petrified National Forest is close by). I love this place so much and I wish that you can all stay here at one point in your life. I was kinda sad to leave it this morning at 7 am! But I’m getting ahead of myself! Yesterday was spent almost entirely in and around Sedona, Arizona…and for anyone who has been there before, you probably have some idea of what I am going to say. Sedona is so beautiful and breathtaking and overwhelming that it is hard to put into words. I’ve typed a sentence over and over here because everything is wrong. I keep deleting what I’ve typed. Because Sedona is that which cannot be named…some call it GOD, the energy, the divine, the universe. Sedona is God. Everywhere you look there it is: something so blessed and divine that it cannot be named or described.…and of course this is everywhere all around us at all times! But we have a harder time seeing it in our daily lives, don’t we? One feels it so strongly here. It is truly an overwhelming experience. To have so much pure love and positive energy coming at you from the Earth and the air all at once….all I can say is thank you. I started my day hiking at Bell Rock, a major vortex, very spiritual place. Once I got to the base of Bell Rock I saw some hikers climbing up it’s base a bit and decided to do the same. I got quite far up the base and climbed in a tiny nook and planted myself on a secluded area way high up. I lied on the rock and felt it with my hands. Why did it feel SO good? I didn’t know. But it did. And I stayed there for a while, meditating and soaking it all up. After a while I said my prayer to the divine and all the spirits and sages that were there with me…I was so grateful. I then moved on to Cathedral Rock. This is a hike that is marked as “strenuous” and I was all like hmmm, I wonder what they mean by strenuous? Is this an American fast Food version of strenuous (OK, my ego was definitely in check) – I was thinking, I hike Runyon Canyon and Griffith frequently…I’m sure it’s not all that bad. And it wasn’t. But it was tough. And scary. And incredibly challenging to mind as well as to my body. I mean, I was rock climbing, y’all! I had never done a hike/climb like this before! I went HIGH! Like REALLY BLOODY HIGH. When I reached the top I was looking around going I almost can’t believe I did this. It was pretty dumbfounding. And then of course you have to climb down. My ego definitely wanted all my friends and family to see me do this climb…I think I dreamed of a head-mounted mini-cam more than once. THIS is how high I climbed!!! -------------> So after this authentically strenuous climb it was definitely time for lunch. I ended up at this darling little hippie chick joint called the Bliss Raw Café (or the Raw Bliss Café). There I had a meal of 100% raw foods, including there version of a raw pizza. It was heaven. For dessert I had what they called a Magic Mystical Healing bar…which had raw dark chocolate, sweetened with pure agave and filled with herbs and spices and goji berries…it was also unbelievably delicious! I topped my meal off with a 10 minute pick me up oxygen session in their oxygen bar. I was feeling quite sleepy there and after the oxygen ($10 for 10 mins) I felt quite refreshed and ready for more. “More” ended up being walking around uptown Sedona, looking in shops, having an iced coffee at a café with a view so spectacular that you can hardly believe you’re sitting there drinking a coffee! You’re like WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? I left Sedona around 5 pm and drove up 89 which was (again) so effing beautiful. I craned my head trying to see it all. The red rocks gave way to pine trees and rich greenery climbing up up all around me. Then there was oak Creek, so gorgeous with it’s white smooth stones and rushing waters. It was a sight to behold and be grateful for. I found myself thanking this earth over and over again. At one point I remember thinking I wanted to justget out of my car and go lie on the rocks, just curl up there like a little baby…and it was my mother. It was such a clear vision, such a clear desire in me to do this. That’s because this is our mother. This divinity, this earth, this energy…we are all of it too. Me and the rocks and the earth are all made of the same stardust, we know each other. It was so clear and so powerful. I’m grateful I could feel and accept all the love that was there for me.

I continued my drive along the I-40, heading East towards Holbrook. I loved that drive! It was only another hour but the speed limit was 75 and I sang at the top of my lungs, loving every minute of it! I thought to myself, so many people said to me about this trip, “well, it would be nice to do it with someone…” and I never really agreed with them. But last night I REALLY didn’t agree with them. I had an incredible day with myself and with the earth and that which cannot be named but some call God, yesterday. I got in my car with all my stuff spread out everywhere, with my music and all my joy and love…and I got to sing out! I sang and sang and I would not have done that had I been with someone. I wouldn’t have had the talks with myself that I had or been as goofy, talking to the earth and the animals all the time…I would have had a different experience and THIS is the experience I want. I am overflowing with happiness and love and spirit. And most of all I think: Gratitude. Sat Nam/This is Truth.


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