Monday, June 09, 2008

Road Trip -- Heading back to LA - Shaw Festival, Chicago, Omaha

I left my folks place in Brampton on Thursday June 5 and arrived in Niagara on the Lake (aka The Shaw festival) at about 10:30 pm...after letting myself in to Blair Williams' place on Ball street I found myself ready for a cocktail and went out looking for Blair. First stop: the Angel Inn Pub where sure enough Williams sat, not knowing I had arrived. We quickly made our way to Jeff Meadows' birthday party being held at Moya and Torquil's pad (aka jane johansen's house). I proceeded to get my hot little hands on a Bombay Saffire g and t and sidled up to David Jansen for some post-workshop shop talk. I began to not understand my own self...i realized in these moments talking with dear David J. that I was quite obviously REELING for the workshop, from the knowledge that we do NOT have our cast all settled and in place with contracts signed...and also reeling from what was a simply thrilling experience: workshopping one's first play with the knowledge that it is being produced in the coming months at a major theatre in Canada.

It was at that moment that I realized I needed to get high.

And it just so happened that lovely old Peter Krantz had somehow gotten his hands on some 35 year old hash oil that belonged to his Mum or aunt or someone! A joint was rolled, we piled out to the wonderful bonfire out back and after that things are a bit more blurry. Thank Christ. I was beginning to bore myself silly with my own state of discombobulation. At a certain point you just have to stop talking and realize that right're a freak. You will calm down, you will become coherent...but right this second: STOP. David Jansen (god love him with his dreamy beard and his blue velvet smoking jacket) was entirely on board with everything we talked about, insisted I was making total sense and was entirely sympathetic. love that guy.

And so: post 35 year old hash oil? what did we do? Well first Jansen and I got on about some theory about what makes the British the way they are...the sense of humor, the self-depracation...and the fact that no matter how successful you are, you still maintain (or face utter rejection by the public) a very working class, no-big-deal way about may be a gazillionaire but you just like pints down at the pub and wear jeans and tees like the rest of us...

This is not that interesting or even remotely original a thought...what WAS unique was what jansen and I got on about next, which was the coming of the fall of the AMERICAN empire...what will it do to them as a nation...what will it do to their sense of humour...once they fall? Once America is no longer #1...what will happen to all the RAH RAH? Jansen insisted that it will have a very quick affect on the american people, their humour, the pop culture. But i say pop culture is one thing (ie) seeing the hopelessness of 8 years of Bush seeping into independent cinema a la There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men and the like...but sitcom humour? Everyday people? In terms of how or IF wit will CHANGE the American personality? I say this will take longer. Much longer. the "American rah rah, we're #1 mentality is a thing of BLOOD. It is so deeply ingrained that it will take much more than America's fall from grace and ultimate power to dissolve it.

I say it is so ingrained that the people will simply not know any other way, even when faced with not being number one...they will be dragged kicking and screaming from their arrogance and their grandeur. i don't believe this shift will be a quick one. But only time will tell, yes? And by the way; i don't BLAME the American people at ALL for their arrogance and rah rah mentality. They have been fed this since day ONE. It is mothers milk and this is why it will take more than a few years (or decades even) to shake this persona. Can we say that the Brits have the sense of humour that they have mainly becuz they were the super power, they were number one and then they fell? Hard? I don't know. But it's all very interesting.

Well...that's what Jansen and I got on about (the idea of how this all will affect America's collective sense of humour is utterly fascinating to me...simply because Jansen attributed the Brit's humour to the fact that THEY had once been number one and had to face that fall and therefore this fall contributed (undoubtedly) to their sense of self, humour etc...

After all this high talk on the deck, it was HIGH time for some boogeying! And boogey i did. What a great effing feeling to be high as a kite and close your eyes and just let it all GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. It was super duper NICE.

Blair and i went back to his place, drank a bunch of water and talked more about politics before crashing. The next day I stayed with lovely Deborah Hay and my final night in NOTL i crashed at Thom Allison's place. It was a fabulous 3 nights at Shaw and I was fortunate enough to cathc some great theatre too: namely the first preview of The President (Blair's directorial debut at Shaw)!!! It was OUTSTANDING. the entire cast was spot on and I was so thrilled for Blair and Morwyn (who did the adaptation)...I really loved it and know they will have an awesome run. What a crowd pleasing, hilarious show!

On Sunday June 8 I left NOTL and drove thru the craziest tornado-thunder storm weather in Michigan and landed safe and sound in Chicago where I stayed with Miles, a friend of Belinda's...Miles is sous chef at Blackbird in Chicago (Obama ate there a couple nights before I pulled into town!!!) and is a wonderful sweet, 26 year old dreamboat...Miles likes in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago...we stayed up all night talking and having tequila & tonic and smoking was super fun and I think Miles is top notch. Yay for friends of friends who are so generous to have you over in their home!!!

That night as we talked and talked the rain continued to pour down from the was quite a day of weather and the first tornado sirens I'd ever encountered (in Michigan) -- I've always wanted to see a funnel cloud but after that day I must say, I think I'll be OK not ever seeing one.

Here is the resnt of this post in point form...what a lazy sonofabitch!

-chicago morning coffee and then on the road again and hitting another majorly insane thunderstorm torrential downpour...the craziest skies i've ever seen in my life as I drove thru Iowa...just before the downpour...seriously the most apocalyptic sky ever...the scariest, largest scale 3-D painting of an apocalyptic sky ever. I cannot even begin to do it justice...I can only say that I, a realist, had quite vivid thoughts that the sky was about to swallow me whole in some Dante-esque inferno. No jokes, no exaggerations. this sky was TERRIFYING. And then the sky in omaha...the whole freaking sKy on it was filled with orange smoke and as if it were comlpetely ON FIRE...but it was more torrential rain off in the distance and the sun as it went down lighting up the sky and sheets of rain. never seen a sky like that and then the rain hit and i was lost in Omaha looking for the stupid motel and being all pissy and exhausted and hungry. Oh ya...and my poor car was battered today by hail in iowa and the biggest raindrops ever.

-finally arrived at motel 6 whose Wi-Fi internet was down and thank god i decided this was a dealbreaker becuz apparently that motel 6 is NAS-TEE...and (not to sound like a total greasy hippy) but the energy felt really bad in there I paid a bit more and went to the ever so lush: super 8 motel...tequila out of a plastic cup never tasted so good. and what is that? A lovely faint scent of urine in the air? hmmmmm

good cookies the Super 8 Motel cookies!

At first, I thought i was gonna explore omaha (John Bland and a NY time article say Omaha: hot up and coming art town of America) but now I just want to leave. bright eyes and tilly and the wall notwithstanding...i simply don't have the time to find the COOL part(s) of omaha. Denver here i come.

oh ya and my camera batts are dead so ZERO pics!!!!

thought for the day: cheap tequila is like a "bad" coen brothers's still better than everything else out there so drink up.


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