Michael Haneke's CACHE

Dear Readers...I am sick. I am about to head back to bed and sleep some of this shit out. But I wanted to write about this movie before I forget about it. But I wonder if I'll ever forget about it. It is one of the most haunting, compelling, sickening and beautiful movies I've seen. I worship this film and I urge you to add it to your wish list.
Had dinner this week with Katie Lowes (at the awe-inspiring, sensual resto OPUS on Wilshire---GO GO GO) and we hadn't seen each other in about a month and had lots to catch up on: auditions (Katie's already tested twice this pilot season!!), new boys, old boys, old boys who became new boys, sex and all it's delicious trappings...and then out of the blue at the tail end of the evening, I ask KL if she's seen the French film CACHE. Well she had and this started a whirlwind of overloud explosives and hushed, hands-over-face remembrances of this subtle yet blazing hot film.
FUCK do I love this film. I don't even want to say anything about it since I didn't know anything when I watched it (except that it starred Daniel Auteuil (i love you i love you i love you) and Juliette Binoche)---I hesitate to say anything except this is probably the best film of 2005 though it wasn't released until January 2006 in the States. It won Best Film at the European Film awards (beating out major contender and Cannes winner L'Enfant) and at Cannes Haneke took Best Director...I love this quote I found: The Guardian's notoriously hard to impress Peter Bradshaw gave the film an outstanding review and 5 out of 5 stars, describing it as "one of the great films of this decade" and "Haneke's masterpiece"
From start to finish I was riveted and through it all I found myself making discoveries, being ripped apart to devastating affect...cringing at it's truth and Haneke's brilliance (not to mention those two fucking actors!)
Katie and I agreed (loudly, I'm sure) that the performances in the film were so bloody good, flawless really, but it wasn't an actors film. It was the film. It was the piece of art that we watched unfold that made this film what it was. Which I don't know, may be rare. Often I point out the acting or the writing that made the movie for me...not here. It was simply the movie itself.
Please rent it, add it to your Netflix queue and be prepared for a not-easy ride. It is gruesome and it delves deep and yet it is mind-blowingly simple.
Not a popcorn film.